Please have your business partner at Gulfport Energy reach out to their Supply Chain lead to identify whether we have all the current information on file and whether you still have approved status. At Gulfport Energy, we have a stringent process to approve suppliers – even if you have an old MSA on file, we will need to validate multiple items before you can start working on any contract that has been awarded to you through a competitive bid process.

At Gulfport Energy, we are committed to strong partnerships with our suppliers. We expect our suppliers to share our commitment to safety, environmental stewardship, ethical business conduct, sound labor practices and human rights.
Gulfport Energy manages supply chain risk through a rigorous process that considers the safety performance, financial performance, training programs, and other metrics of our suppliers. The Supply Chain Department maintains lists of preferred suppliers that Gulfport Energy is authorized to do business with in our areas of operation. Suppliers who are considered for preferred supplier status with Gulfport Energy go through an evaluation and selection process. The evaluation process may include site visits, audits, reference checks. Preferred suppliers may also be awarded work through a competitive bid process and have demonstrated offerings of competitively priced goods or services. Suppliers will only be added to this list after they have passed all internal requirements for qualification.
Supplier Code of ConductSupplier Qualification Requirements
Suppliers with preferred status will only be added after the following conditions have been met:
- Successful completion of a Gulfport-led EHS audit
- Submission of documentation of required insurance based on the type of work and level of risk
- Successful completion of an initial financial assessment
- Formal signing of a Master Services Agreement that corresponds to the type of work the Supplier is approved to perform
Please refer to our Environmental Health Safety Requirements tab for information about our Environmental, Health & Safety program details.
Insurance requirements
Suppliers performing work for Gulfport Energy must provide a certificate of insurance prior to beginning work. Insurance requirements will vary depending on the nature of the work to be performed and will be agreed to in the MSA or another written agreement. The following are examples of our insurance requirements:
- Certificate holder name must include all Gulfport entities listed on the agreement
- General Liability
- Auto Liability
- Worker's Compensation
- Employer’s Liability
- Excess Liability
- Additional insured
- Waiver of Subrogation
- Pollution insurance
If you are a Supplier performing work for Gulfport Energy, you will need to submit your invoices electronically via OpenInvoice. Gulfport utilizes OpenInvoice to streamline the invoicing and payment processes and improve communications with our Suppliers. Please see below for information on how to register.
OpenInvoice Registration
To submit your invoices via OpenInvoice, please complete the form in the following link:
About OpenInvoice
OpenInvoice is an easy-to-use, web-based tool that will enable you to create and submit invoices electronically, facilitate dispute resolution as well as track invoice and payment status online. Gulfport will cover the costs associated with typical configuration, training, and support for your supplier account.
To register with OpenInvoice, please contact or call their support line at 1-866-627-3287.
General Questions
If you have any questions regarding the status of your invoice, please email
Environmental, Health and Safety Requirements
Gulfport Contractor Expectations
Gulfport requires all contractors to comply with its Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) policies, standards and guidelines. Contractors shall implement written EHS, drug and alcohol, emergency preparedness policies, and procedures applicable to work on Gulfport sites.
If you are selected and approved to work for Gulfport as a contractor, you will be required to subscribe to ISNetworld. Gulfport uses various criteria, including, but not limited to, the Master Service Agreements (MSA), Review and Verification service (RAVs), evaluations, and training, to score contractors. Gulfport requires a “C” dashboard grade as a minimum requirement. For information on Gulfport’s requirements, contact ISN at 800.976.1303 or by email at
General Orientation and Training Requirements
Gulfport expects all vendors to complete an industry recognized orientation program (ie. Safeland, IADC’s HSE Rig Pass) prior to starting work. The OSHA 10 Hour orientation is another acceptable training program as long as the elective and optional components address the key job hazards that may occur on Gulfport’s work sites. Contractors’ equivalent, in-house safety orientations may be acceptable as long as they include the topics covered in the Safeland syllabus and are approved by Gulfport prior to starting work on our sites. A list of those courses are outlined below.
- Incident Reporting and Investigation
- Accident Prevention Signs and Tags
- Hand Safety
- Material Handling
- Behavioral Safety
- First Aid / CPR / AED
- Confined Space
- Lockout / Tagout
- Drug / Alcohol / Substance Abuse
- Hazcom
- Hot Work
- H2S Safety Awareness
- Stop Work Authority
- Site Specific Hazards and Emergency Response
- Fire Prevention and Portable Fire Extinguishers
- Walking Working Surfaces
- Job Safety Analysis
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Respiratory Protection
- Prevention of Workplace Violence
- Working at Heights
- Driver Safety
- Environmental
- Excavation – Trenching and Shoring
Gulfport-Specific Orientation Requirements
Gulfport requires that all contractors providing safety sensitive work review the following training material prior to working on a Gulfport site:
- Gulfport Contractor Orientation
- Gulfport’s Twelve Work Safe Rules
- Writing Powerful JSA’s
Contractors will receive a hard hat sticker upon completion that will be valid for three years. Contractors failing to comply with these conditions could result in removal from location until requirements are met. Gulfport EHS will be routinely inspecting hard hat stickers and / or completion of training records through ISN to ensure compliance.
The training material can be found and viewed on your ISNetworld account. For any questions, please contact ISN at
ISN training tools guidance documents include:
- ISN’s Online Training Tool
- ISN ID Card Step by Step Guide – Upload Employee Photo
- ISN Card Request Process
Drug, Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Gulfport is committed to maintaining a drug, alcohol and weapons free workplace. Contractors are required to have a written drug and alcohol program that complies with Gulfport’s policies and federal, state, local and when applicable, the U.S. Department of Transportation regulations. At a minimum, a contractors’ program shall provide pre-employment, random, reasonable suspicion, and post incident testing.
Gulfport utilizes the services of TPS Alert to perform program routine audits of our contractors’ drug and alcohol programs.
Various state laws allow individuals to keep legally obtained and possessed firearms in their locked personal vehicles in employer parking areas. Gulfport recognizes that individuals do have the right to possess firearms in their “locked” personal vehicle. Failure to comply could result in the removal of that individual from the work site.
Code of Conduct
Speak Up Online
Speak Up Helpline
(833) 254 – 0810
Non-Retaliation Policy
Any retaliatory acts, or the threat of retaliatory acts, against any employee, supplier or contractor for reporting, in good faith, known or suspected misconduct, or for participating in the investigation of a report will not be tolerated. Examples of retaliatory acts include dismissal, discipline, demotion, or mistreatment. We will make every effort to protect the confidentiality of reports of concerns and the identities of those who make reports or participate in an investigation. However, there may be instances when, due to the nature of an investigation or certain legal requirements, it is necessary to disclose someone’s identity. In those instances, we will work closely with the reporting individual to address any questions or concerns.
Frequently Asked Questions
I only sell product to Gulfport. Do I still need a contract?
All suppliers who sell products or services to Gulfport Energy need to have a contract in place. There are various approved methods of contracts depending on the type of work being performed.
I want to be included in the next bid for Gulfport Energy. How do I get put on the list?
Thank you for your interest in Gulfport Energy. Gulfport Energy evaluates all suppliers prior to award. Please look at the requirements to be an approved supplier for Gulfport Energy. If you feel like you meet these requirements, you may reach out to your local contact to ask to be added to the bid list or email
Who do I talk to if my invoice has not been paid?
If you have an invoice that is past due, please feel free to reach out to to get the latest status. Please note, the default method of payment is via check and please allow for delivery via mail.
I want to have my payment terms changed, what do I do?
Gulfport Energy pays invoices at the payment terms outlined in your contract. If you would like to have your payment terms edited, please reach out to the Supply Chain Department at Please note that the award of work was made in consideration of the payment terms and in some cases, a request to change terms may change the award status. Notification of a request to change terms does not automatically mean that the change in terms will be accepted by Gulfport Energy.
I want to lock up business for next year – I can offer a discount if Gulfport extends the contract, who do I talk to?
Gulfport Energy frequently receives unsolicited requests to extend current contracts. We appreciate your interest in continuing business with Gulfport Energy. Please reach out to the Supply Chain team directly to have such discussions at